History Of Ikeduru Movie Association
No child is born as an adult, everybody was born a little child, as the day passes by the child keeps on developing both mental, physical and all the rest. That is just how Ikeduru movie association came into existence. HISTORY OF NGUGO OBAIRE IN IKEDURU LOCAL GOVERNMENT Executive Members of Ikeduru Movie Association Thees are pictures of the Ikeduru movie association 1st executives Jan. 9th 2020 witnessed the birth of Ikeduru movie association with four persons from different towns in Ikeduru which comprises of Director Emeka Anyianwu and his wife from Umudim, Mrs Mirian Chikwado from Ngugo and Pastor David Ihueze from Inyishi all in Ikeduru local government came together and agreed on establishing Ikeduru movie association. Just like film, the association keeps on growing on daily bases with numerous achievements. History of Ikeduru local government The picture of our 1st audition which took place on t...